On February 7, 2020, Mrs. Maria Mirecka Lorys, PMA Life Member, will be celebrating her 104th Birthday.
We wish her all blessings, good health, friendship, and thank her for her continuous mentorship and support! Today, PMA Staff, Volunteers, and PRCUA President James Robaczewski celebrated with her in spirit. We called Mrs. Lorys and wished her the best on her Birthday, played her our singing – she thanked us and wished us continuous success!
7 lutego 2020 roku Pani Maria Mirecka Loryś, nasza mentorka i członkini wieczysta będzie obchodziła w Warszawie Swoje 104. urodziny! Życzymy Pani zdrowia, spokoju, błogosławieństwa Bożego i wszelkiego dobra. Dziękujemy za Pani mądrość, dobroć, wsparcie i opiekę nad nami!