“Wspólnota Polska” delegation visit at the PMA and PRCUA

Today, the Polish Museum of America (PMA) hosted a delegation composed of: President of the Polish Community Association, Mr. Dariusz Piotr Bonisławski and his associates, representatives of TVP and Polsat, as well as representatives of local governments in Poland.

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Green Room

The Polish Museum of America is pleased to announce that the Geen Room modernization project was completed in December 2022.

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What you see is not what you see, and I want you to see what you want to see

The 7th charity exhibition by Dr. Blazej Lojewski, in support of the School and Educational Center for Blind Children in Laski, was held on February 5th at 3 PM at the Polish Museum in America.

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PMA President and Managing Director Honored at Bal Dziennikarza by SDPA for Their Contributions to Polonia

PMA President and PMA Managing Director were recognized at Bal Dziennikarza by SDPA for their excellent work for Polonia at the Polish Museum of America.

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