March 1 we mark the National Unbreakable Soldiers’ Remembrance Day (pol. Żołnierze Niezłomni). Polish servicemen and women who fought for a free Poland with their own blood and life were nurtured by Poland’s Home Army (pol. Armia Krajowa). One of Europe’s largest countries, only Poland was invaded and occupied in 1939 by 2 barbaric powers Nazi Germany September 1 and Soviet Russia September 17. The Home Army was a modern-day phenomenon, much more than a resistance movement. Poland set up its administration in exile (London) and established leadership in unprecedented deadly circumstances - an underground State complete with executive and judiciary branches, clandestine education courses, and media. Its military arm consisted of Polish forces in the West which fought on all WWII fronts and the Home Army which operated inside bi-occupied Poland. The world had never seen anything like it. Its elaborate framework covered all of Poland and abroad. Its highest combat readiness stood at 400,000 soldiers with 10,000 officers supplemented by domestic secret training and commandos parachuted into Poland. In 1943 a unit for special ops (pol. Kedyw) was added and led by its mastermind Gen. August Fieldorf “Nil”. After 1945 mass Soviet persecution began.100,000 Polish soldiers incl. Nil (1953) was executed or deported to Russia. March 1, 1951 Communists executed 7 leading Officers of Freedom & Independence (pol. WiN) - incl. Maj. Lukasz Cieplinski in the hideous Rakowiecka prison (Warsaw). Names like Majors Kuras, Dekutowski, Kontrym, Lupaszka, Sojczynski, Zubryd, and wife Janina are just a few Heroes (of tens of thousands) who today inspire Poland’s youth and who’s mil. actions are analyzed for tactical training. And Danuta Siedzikówna, ”Inka”, 17 yr. med. orderly, arrested, tortured, shot by firing squad in Gdansk prison. Glory to our Heroes - Chwała Bohaterom!
B. Czerkawski
Photo on the right show PMA Library Album edited by IPN.
#zolnierzeniezlomni #armiakrajowa #polishhomearmy