
984 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL | (773) 384-3352 | Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, & Sundays, 11AM-4PM


Archives Research Policies

Research visitors must submit written requests to view materials from the PMA Archives with two days advance notice minimum.

Email should be sent to::
Info@PolishMuseumOfAmerica.org, subject line: Archives request – [topic of interest].
Mail should be sent to:
PMA Archives, 984 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, IL 60642-4101.

Guide to the Polish Museum of America Archives Collections, published in 2019, is available online. List the collections and content items of interest in the written request.

After the request is processed, the archival material will be available for research in the PMA Library Reading Room by appointment only. (PMAL Use of Library Policy will apply.)

*Associated Fees*

Assistance, including preparing materials & reshelving – $20/hour, first hour free
Reproduction of archival material – restrictions may apply. Photocopies are permitted only for materials that will not sustain damage in the photocopying process, as it is PMA mission to preserve its collections for perpetual use. No more than 20% may be photocopied or reproduced per collection or item.
Photocopies: 8.5 x 11” – $1.00 per page, or 8.5 x 14” – $1.50 per page
Non-flash photography (patron’s own camera): $1 per image
Scans may be available by request; additional fees apply. Personal scanners are not permitted for any use.

In some cases, patrons may request research to be completed by Archives staff. A $10 fee is charged for all requests, and includes 30 minutes of research. This fee applies to unsuccessful searches as well. If further research is needed and approved by the patron, an additional fee of $20 per hour will apply.

*Special Note About Jubilee Books*

This collection includes original publications from Polish parishes across the US. Although the Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA) has created an ongoing indexing project of these books, copies from the originals can only be obtained from the PMA Archives. (Further information can be found at Jubilee Search.)

For requests submitted by mail, the following rules and fees apply:

- $5 search fee per book
- $1 per page photocopied
- requests should be limited to 2-3 titles
- include a self-addressed and stamped envelope
- requests and payments must be addressed to the PMA Archives
For on-site research, the normal Archives Research Policies (including two days advance notice) apply.

*Special Note About Haller’s Army Recruitment Papers*

As an integral part of the Wydział Narodowy Polski (WNP)/ Polish National Department (PND) Collection, these papers include original forms for intentions to volunteer, medical examination reports, and final commitment papers, which have been indexed through a joint project with the Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA).

Copies from the originals can be obtained from the PMA Archives. (Further information can be found at https://pgsa.org/polish-history/hallers-army-index/.)

For requests submitted by mail, the following rules and fees apply:
- $25 search fee per name / individual; PGSA Haller’s Army Index search results must be included
- Scans of the complete file will be sent to the email provided
- If print copies are preferred, an additional $5 per name/ individual consulted is required for printing, shipping, and handling
- Requests and payments must be addressed to the PMA Archives

For on-site research, the normal Archives Research Policies (including two days advance notice) apply.

*Copyright Notice*

While we attempt to accommodate the research and publication needs of our researchers, limitations may apply. Some items may be too damaged or too fragile to be copied. The reproduction service operates in strict compliance with U.S. Copyright Law.

The Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material, and stipulates that such copies can be provided only under certain specified conditions. To wit, such copies are not to be used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research. Thus, permission to photocopy or otherwise reproduce images does not constitute permission to publish.

If you are interested in the possibility of republishing copyrighted material, you will need to gain the permission of the copyright holder. For both copyrighted and public domain materials Commercial Publication Fees may apply.


Revised 2021-01

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