Jozef Rapacki – 93 commemoration of death

On this day January 31 we remember Jozef Rapacki, one of the most noted and nostalgic Polish painters. Born March 19, 1871, in Warsaw, Rapacki died Jan. 31, 1929.

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Stanislaw Kaczor Batowski 156 anniversary of birth

A graduate of the Fine Arts Academy of Krakow, Batowski studied in Munich, Vienna, Paris and Rome.

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55 commemoration of Sister Stanisia’s death

We remember the best-known Polish American Catholic nun turned artist and painter Sister Stanisia.

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Holocaust Remembrance 2022

January 27 we pay tribute to the Holocaust victims of Nazi Germany in WWII.

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costume room

Costume room

The Polish Museum of America is pleased to announce that the Costume Room modernization project was completed in December 2021.

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The Art of Jan Henryk de Rosen at the PMA

In this episode, we invite you to learn about the most recognizable artifact at the Polish Museum of America (PMA)

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Happy Grandparents Day!

Happy Grandparents Day! Wszystkiego najlepszego dla wszystkich Babć i Dziadków! Władysław (1843–1928) and Albertyna Dyniewicz had eight children, and they were blessed with many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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Walk through Chicago’s Polish Downtown

Walk through Chicago’s Polish Downtown with architectural historian, Victoria Granacki.

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73 Commemoration of Mieczyslaw Haiman’s death

January 15, we recollect the founder and first director of the PMA - Mieczyslaw Haiman.

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Origins of the Polish Army Veterans Association in America – Ties to Chicago

Origins of the Polish Army Veterans Association in America - Ties to Chicago, host Halina Misterka.

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