
984 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL | (773) 384-3352 | Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, & Sundays, 11AM-4PM

The Polish American Women’s Conference

The Polish American Women’s Conference is a one-day event open to the public, featuring women of Polish heritage who discuss their perspective on leadership, business, and education, as well as political and community life.This event is full of inspirational and motivated women who share best practices about empowerment, career, personal fulfillment, and balance in life.

The theme of this year Conference is “The power of influence”.
Organized by Omnis Communications and Polish Women in Business.
Saturday, May 20th 2017 from 9:30am – 1pm
Polish Museum of America

Po raz drugi w Chicago obędzie się Konferencja Kobiet polskiego pochodzenia. W tym roku Konferencja odbędzie się w sobotę 20 maja w Muzeum Polskim w Ameryce.

Tegoroczny temat Konferencji brzmi „The power of influence” – „Moc odziaływania”, a gośćmi wydarzenia będą wybitne Amerykanki polskiego pochodzenia: Jenny Milkowski – dziennikarka Fox News 32 Chicago, Dr. Dorothy Anasinski – lekarz periodonta, wykładowczyni w szkole medycznej UIC, Susan Sadlowski Garza – radna 10 dzielnicy Chicago, oraz Eliza Solowiej – dyrektor wykonawcza First Defence Legal Aid.

Druga Konferencja Kobiet jest kontynuacją tradycji spotkań ludzi biznesu, edukacji, zaangażowanych w działalność społeczną i polityczną, a także rozwój profesjonalny i osobisty, która została zapoczątkowana w 2016 roku.
15 października 2016 roku na Northeastern Illinois University odbyła się pierwsza Konferencja Kobiet pod patronatem Konsulatu Generalnego Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej w Chicago. Gośćmi pierwszej Konferencji były: sędzia Aurelia Pucinski, sędzia Diann Marsalek, profesor Monika Nalepa, Carla Knorowski, Dr. Łucja Mirowska – Kopec, Dr. Dorothy Prusek, Erika Wozniak, Maureen Pikarski i Lucyna Migała.
W trakcie kilku godzinnego spotkania poruszono tematy związane z edukacją, przywództwem, zaangażowaniem społecznym i politycznym oraz odnalezienia się na rynku pracy.
Pierwsza Konferencja została zauważona przez władze miasta Chicago i wyróżniona specjalną miejską rezolucją.
Tegoroczna Konferencja Kobiet będzie wspaniałym forum wymiany myśli i doświadczeń oraz nawiązania kontaktów.

Organizatorami Konferencji jest Polish Women in Business, organizacja działająca w Chicago od 10 lat, skupiająca kobiety biznesu polskiego pochodzenia, oraz Omnis Communications.


Press Release
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Polish American Women’s Conference – The power of influence

Chicago (May 1st, 2017) The 2nd Polish American Women’s Conference will be on Saturday, May 20th 2017, from 9:30am – 1pm at the Polish Museum of America 984 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago.

Featured Speakers include:

Jenny Milkowski, Fox News 32 Chicago

Dr. Dorothy Anasinski, Periodontist and Dental Implantologist

Susan Sadlowski Garza, Alderwoman 10th ward

Eliza Solowiej, First Defense Legal Aid.


The Polish community has been an integral part of Chicago for over 150 years, making a significant impact on the economic, political, spiritual, and cultural growth of the city.

There are over a century’s worth of contributions from Poles who have made our city great. Polish women have been teachers, builders, entrepreneurs, and activists who have worked hard for their families and communities, as well as their own success.

The Polish Women’s Conference is a one-day event open to the public, featuring successful women of Polish heritage who discuss their perspective on leadership, business, and education, as well as political and community life.

The Polish Women’s Conference is made possible by cooperation between Polish Women in Business and Omnis Communications.

This event is full of inspirational and motivated women who share best practices about empowerment, career, personal fulfillment, and balance in life.

It is a great opportunity to learn, share, discuss, connect and network.

This year’s conference includes two segments:

  • The power of influence: involvement in political and community life
  • There are no limits, only choices: turning passion into profession

“The Polish American Women’s Conference is a celebration of our heritage. Last year’s event was full of extraordinary people who uplift the community and inspire us all to do better. This year’s event will be a great platform for personal and professional growth and networking.”

Margaret Ptaszynska, Polish Radio and TV personality, coordinator, event organizer

“For Polish Women in Business, this event is an excellent opportunity for business owners and entrepreneurs to initiate and expand their contacts and learn from special guests.”

Anna Tukiendorf–Wilhite, President of Polish Women in Business

For more information can be found at: www.polishconference.com

  • May 20, 2017 9:30 am - 1:00 pm
  • 9:30 am - 1:00 pm

Great Hall

Sabina P. Logisz Great Hall was originally designed as the auditorium for the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America headquarters. In 1939, it was adapted for the needs of the Museum. The center space of the Great Hall presents rotating temporary exhibitions of documentary and historical content, as well as art and artists, both local and international.

Learn more