
984 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL | (773) 384-3352 | Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, & Sundays, 11AM-4PM

Kosciuszko Bicentennial

October 15, 2017 marks the 200th anniversary of the death of General Tadeusz Kosciuszko (1746-1817) – military leader and engineer, who fought for independence, democracy, and equality, and is beloved in both America and Poland. In honor of his bicentennial, UNESCO declared 2017 as the Year of Kosciuszko.

As the PMA Archives holds an extensive collection of more than 90 original, handwritten and signed letters by Kosciuszko, President Thomas Jefferson, American Revolution generals and other notables of the time, as well as broadsides, periodicals, and a wide assortment of lithograph portraits of the American and Polish hero – an exhibit featuring these items is scheduled for October 15, 2017-March 11, 2018.

Additionally, the Polonus Polish Philatelic Society, the oldest and largest philatelic organization dedicated to Polish philately in the English language, will present a Grand Award winning philatelic exhibit of the United States 1933 issue 5-cent Kosciuszko stamp. An exact replica of the exhibit was provided by Jay Stotts of Houston, TX. Mr. Stotts is a well-known philatelic exhibitor and is an APS Accredited Chief Judge. Kosciuszko stamps issued by Poland and other countries will also be displayed together with related philatelic material.

The Kosciuszko Bicentennial Opening Reception will be held on Sunday, October 15, 2017, at 3:00 pm, at the PMA Sabina P. Logisz Great Hall, 984. N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 60642. The program will include speakers, musicians, and students. Refreshments and a cash bar will be available.

In addition to the replicated documents included for exhibition through March 11, 2018, the opening will include a special feature: select original letters written by Kosciuszko, Jefferson, and others will be displayed only during the reception.

Admission: $20; PMA Members: $15

Muzeum Polskie w Ameryce zaprasza na wystawę z okazji dwusetnej rocznicy śmierci Tadeusza Kościuszki

Chicago, IL – Muzeum Polskie w Ameryce zaprasza na otwarcie wystawy poświęconej 200. rocznicy śmierci generała Tadeusza Kościuszki (1746-1817) w niedzielę, 15 października 2017 r. Wystawa potrwa do 11 marca 2018 r.

Uroczyste otwarcie odbędzie się w godzinach od 15:00 do 18:00 w MPA, pod adresem 984 N. Milwaukee Ave, w Chicago. Na wystawie pokazane zostaną dokumenty i listy (m. innymi ze słynnej kolekcji doktora Aleksandra Kahanowicza, zakupiona przez Muzeum w 1945 roku): Tadeusza Kościuszki, prezydenta Thomasa Jeffersona, generałów amerykańskich i innych znanych osobistości z czasów wojny o niepodległość Stanów Zjednoczonych i powstania kościuszkowskiego. Muzeum zaprezentuje także bogatą kolekcję litografii poświęconych bohaterowi dwóch narodów oraz stare druki, broszury, periodyki dotyczące tamatu. Suplementem będzie wystawa przygotowana przez Polonus Polish Philatelic Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Filatelistyczne Polonus).

Wstęp: $20 Członkowie $15


Polish Roman Catholic Union of America

Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
Chicago Society Foundation
Temple of Art Foundation

Camille E. Einoder
Kosciuszko Foundation
Polish & Slavic Federal Credit Union
Betty Uzarowicz

John Kulczycki
Legion of Young Polish Women
Conrad B. Miczko
Helena Sromek

Andy & Bozenna Haszlakiewicz
Stephen & Jamie Kusmierczak
Polish Genealogical Society of America
Polish Teachers Association in America
Saint Blase Polish Catholic School

Paweł Grajnert
David Majkowski
Thaddeus J. Makarewicz
Hon. Robert Ogrodnik, Consul Emeritus
Wallace & Joann Ozog & Family
Polish American Librarians Association
Edward L. Rowny
Maria Zakrzewska

Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago

Museum of Literature and Printing in Grebocin
Polonus Philatelic Society
Tadeusz Kosciuszko School of Polish Language

Read more to sponsor the Kosciuszko Bicentennial Exhibit.

Great Hall

Sabina P. Logisz Great Hall was originally designed as the auditorium for the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America headquarters. In 1939, it was adapted for the needs of the Museum. The center space of the Great Hall presents rotating temporary exhibitions of documentary and historical content, as well as art and artists, both local and international.

Learn more