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“Family Archives – Become a Family Archivist”

Program of the Head Office of the State Archives of Poland

Since June 2013, the Head Office of the State Archives of Poland has led the public campaign, “Become a Family Archivist,” with the goal to protect private, family archives and to encourage the documentation of one’s family history. More than 40 cities in Poland offer “Family Archives” consultation centers. Here, visitors can receive advice on how to research their family history and on how to store and preserve documents; visitors can also receive an evaluation on the historical significance of their materials, as well as donate the materials to the Archives (in original or digital format), if further storage options are not available. Over 5,000 people have benefited from the consolation centers during the campaigns first two years. Additionally, more than 300 educational workshops and exhibitions have been hosted. More information on “Family Archives – Become a Family Archivist” campaign, including a list of consultation centers, is available on the Head Office of the State Archives of Poland website (www.archiwa.gov.pl), under “Family Archives.”

In June 2013, the Head Office of the State Archives of Poland and Program I Polskiego Radia launched a public campaign, “Become a Family Archivist.” Several dozen interviews with State Archives staff – archivists and conservators, were conducted, advising on how to care for documents (including photographs and films) as well as how to research family history. Under the campaign, Radio listeners had the chance to participate in a contest for the best represented family archive. Of the nearly 100 entries submitted, representatives from the State Archives and Polskie Radio selected the nine best family archives. Selected documents were published in the album, “Archiwa rodzinne” [Family Archives], in 2013 by the Head Office of the State Archives of Poland.
