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March 27, we celebrate World Theatre Day

Today, March 27, we celebrate World Theatre Day!
The holiday was established in 1961 during the 9th World Congress of the International Theatre Institute (ITI). It was proposed by ITI President Arvi Kivimaa, of Finland. The date was chosen to commemorate the inauguration of the Theatre of Nations festival, first held in Paris in 1957. Today, Basia Kozuchowski, actress and PMA Operations Manager, will present the origins of Polish theatre in Chicago.

27 marca obchodzimy Światowy Dzień Teatru. 
Święto ustanowiono w 1961 r. podczas 9. Kongresu Międzynarodowego Instytutu Teatralnego. Jego pomysłodawcą był fiński prezydent ITI (International Theatre Institute) Arvi Kivimaa. Datę 27 marca wybrano na pamiątkę inauguracji Teatru Narodów w Paryżu. Barbara Kożuchowska, aktorka pracująca w Muzeum przybliży Państwu początki teatru polskiego w Chicago.

Attention all theater lovers! If you're interested in learning about the origins of Polish theater in Chicago, you won't want to miss this video featuring Basia Kozuchowski. In honor of World Theatre Day, Basia will be sharing her insights and knowledge about the rich history and cultural significance of Polish theatre in Chicago. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and appreciation for the art of theatre. Watch the video now!

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