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Most Sacred Heart

Today, June 11 in Krakow, the Conference of Polish Bishops is convened to re-dedicate Poland to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

They are doing this because 100 years ago in June of 1921 following the Polish victory over the Bolsheviks in the August 1920 Battle of Warsaw-Polish Bishops gathered in Krakow at the same Jesuit shrine of the Most Sacred Heart and entrusted the newly reclaimed independence of Poland and her citizens to Almighty God. The 1920 Battle aka the Miracle of the Vistula stopped the Red army's stampede over mainland Europe after the apocalyptic WWI aftermath. The newly refurbished Polish Armed forces, joined by US pilots, incl. best known Merian Cooper (who voluntarily fought in the Polish Air force), brilliant Polish General staff tactical command, together with the Herculean effort of an entire nation succeeded in safeguarding Western civilization as we know it. Polish forces outnumbered by the Red army which advanced westward and took the northeastern Polish city of Bialystok, had to retreat. As the enemy stood at Warsaw's gates, 24 hour prayer vigils brainstormed heaven to save not only Poland but continental Europe from communist enslavement. In gratitude for the Polish triumph, the majestic city of Poznan erected a classicistic victory Gate in 1932 and placed a monumental statue of Christ in its center. Cardinal Wyszynski dedicated Poland to Jesus during the reign of communist terror in 1952. This week's 2021 centennial celebration reflects the lasting devotion of Poles to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in our unpredictable times of hybrid warfare and rogue violent aggression. Please visit our now open Museum where You will admire images of the Sacred Heart among our countless treasures!

B. Czerkawski

Photos display marble statue of Jesus and his Sacred Heart and beautifully hand painted vault PRCUA original seal with the Sacred Heart-both from our Paderewski Room and oil painting of Jesus by Chicago Sister Stanisia (School Sister of Notre Dame), Art Deco oak panel with surmounted PRCUA (the founder of the PMA) carved seal and Sacred Heart mosaic-all from the PRCUA Board Room.

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