
984 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL | (773) 384-3352 | Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, & Sundays, 11AM-4PM

National Ice Cream Day

Happy #NationalIceCreamDay!

Pictured here is "Bess" Pelagia Kilinska standing in front of Kilinski's Ice Cream Parlor at the corner of Thomas and Milwaukee. The little girls in the window are Janina and Irma Ulatowska, nieces of Ignacy Ulatowski (owner of theaters and an actor from Hamtramck).

Wherever you choose to get your ice cream fix today, be sure to stop into the museum to see the rest of our "Polish Chicago: 1850-1939" exhibit. This collection features the early history of the Polish community in the district around the intersection of Milwaukee, Ashland, and Division, known as "Polish Downtown". The PMA, which is still located here, stands as a reminder of the cradle of Polish culture in Chicago.

#polish #chicagohistory #polishdowntown #icecream

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