Farewell to Our Beloved Chaplain, Fr. Andrzej Totzke, SChr

It is with great sadness, but also immense gratitude, that we bid farewell to our dear Chaplain, Fr. Andrzej Totzke, SChr, who, after nine years of service at Holy Trinity Parish in Chicago, will be transferred to the Polish Pastoral Mission of St. Albert Chmielowski in San Jose, California.

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Daniela Wojas’ Next Chapter: Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Classical Archaeology

Wishing Daniela Wojas all the best as she specializes in field archaeology at Oxford University.

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Farewell and Best Wishes to Gabriela Kaminski

Congrats and thanks to Gabriela Kamiński, our intern at the Polish Museum of America, as she heads to Texas for her Masters in Art History. Best wishes for her future curatorial pursuits.

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Farewell reception for Vice Consul Konrad Zieliński

Farewell reception at the Polish Museum of America for Vice Consul Konrad Zieliński. We wish a true friend of the PMA success in his new assignment.

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Consul R. Rusiecki – farewell

Today we bid farewell to Consul Robert Rusiecki. We wish him all the best on his next endeavor and thank him for 7 years of cooperation and support of the Polish Museum of America. W dniu dzisiejszym pożegnaliśmy konsula Roberta Rusieckiego życząc mu wielu sukcesów w przyszłości oraz dziękując za

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