Explore the Legacy of Jan Ignacy Paderewski on his Death Anniversary
On June 29th, we commemorate the death anniversary of Jan Ignacy Paderewski, a remarkable figure in Polish history and music. Explore his captivating world through insightful videos on YouTube and visit the Paderewski Room at the Polish Museum of America to see the remarkable collection firsthand!
See You Soon!
PMA employees are preparing to send invitations for the 43rd Summer Gala - look for invitations in your mailboxes. We hope to see you on June 9 at Allegra Banquets! Pracownicy PMA przygotowują do wysłania zaproszenia na 43. Bal Letni - szukajcie Państwo zaproszeń w swoich skrzynkach pocztowych. Mamy nadzieję,
WOW Event Recap by Sandra G. Roth
After the most recent WOW event, the 340 OTP participants’ descriptions included great, memorable, historical, welcoming, terrific, amazing, spectacular, etc.
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