Size comparision coin vs. book

Historical prints and special editions

The Polish Museum of America Library holds in its collection many unique publications.

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Paderewski’s Watch and Polish Army Veterans

PMA presents the third film in a series introducing the hidden stories, behind the scenes of the PMA collections: I. J. Paderewski's Watch and Polish Army Veterans. The Master's watch is one of many gifts donated by his sister, Antonina Wilkońska. Along with furniture from the Buckingham Hotel in New

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Stanley W. Lyskanowski

Stanley W. Lyskanowski

The Polish Museum of America mourns the loss of PMA Member Stanley W. Lyskanowski.

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Warsaw Uprising 1944

The Polish Museum of America presents the impact of Poland's history on the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 The Warsaw Uprising was a major World War II operation, in the summer of 1944, by the Polish underground resistance, led by the Polish resistance Home Army, to liberate Warsaw from German occupation.

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Congratulations to PMA Managing Director Małgorzata Kot

Best wishes and congratulations to PMA Managing Director Małgorzata Kot on her 25th anniversary as an employee of the Polish Museum in America and fulfilling its mission of preserving the past for future generations.

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Wiersz Edwarda Kuczynskiego

Z kolekcji Archiwum MPA, Maj 2020

Z kolekcji Archiwum MPA (temp. miscellaneous coll. May 2020) Wiersz zatytułowany „Do Francji”, autorstwa Edwarda Kuczyńskiego urodzonego 29 marca 1914 r., Równe na Wołyniu

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Głowa JP II

The Polish Museum of America celebrates Saint John Paul II 100th Birthday

The Polish Museum of America celebrates Saint John Paul II 100th Birthday Muzeum Polskie w Ameryce w hołdzie Świętemu Janowi Pawłowi II w stulecie urodzin

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Zmarła Stefania Oriwol-Jarosz “Zefirek”

Stefania Oriwol-Jarosz “Zefirek”

The Polish Museum of America mourns the loss of PMA Member Stefania Oriwol-Jarosz “Zefirek”

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Rozmowa z Bogdanem Łańko, dla Programu Na Serio WPNA

Małgorzata Kot w rozmowie z Bogdanem Łańko dla programu Na serio, radia WPNA

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