The Polish Museum of America mourns the passing of respected veteran, Wiesław Chodorowski.

The Polish Museum of America mourns the passing of respected veteran, Wiesław Chodorowski. Wiesław Tadeusz ‘Ted’ Chodorowski (January 4, 1929 - June 10, 2022)

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Birthday commemoration of the late Stephen Kusmierczak Sr.

Mr. Stephen Kusmierczak Sr. was born on May 23, 1926 in Poland. In 2011, Stephen Kusmierczak Jr. together with his mother, Elizabeth Ann Kusmierczak ceremoniously opened the Fine Arts Gallery in honor of his parents.

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78 Anniversary of Polish Victory Battle at Monte Cassino

May 18, 1944, marks a very special day for WWII history-the Polish 2 Corps broke the German defensive lines and opened the road for the Allies to liberate Rome from German occupation

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231 Anniversary of the Constitution of May 3, 1791

Today we stand in awe and acclaim at Europe's first written democratic constitution-the Polish Constitution ratified May 3, 1791 (written in 1788).

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Polish National Flag Day and World Day of Polonia

On this day the Polish diaspora around the world celebrates its holiday-the International Day of Polonia.

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Remembering Adam Kossowski – on 36 anniversary of death

On this day 36 years ago the art world lost one of its own. Adam Kossowski was born Dec. 5, 1905-in Nowy Sacz, Poland.

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Ludwika Nitschowa 33 commemoration of death

She was born Dec. 6, 1889, in Poland. On this day we remember Ludwika Nitschowa, Polish sculptor and pedagogue who died on March 28, 1989.

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World Day of Mathematics

UNESCO established a worldwide day of appreciation for the discipline of math featuring this year a special global set of short presentations about mathematics by speakers in 5 languages.

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Women’s Day 2022

Happy International Women’s Day! Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Kobiet!

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World Day of the Sick 2022

On this day we observe the World Day of the Sick-inaugurated by Pope St. John Paul II on May 13, 1992.

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