The 7th charity exhibition by Dr. Blazej Lojewski, in support of the School and Educational Center for Blind Children in Laski, was held on February 5th at 3 PM at the Polish Museum in America located at 984 N Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago.
The exhibition showcased the innovative art concept of psychism, where the viewer becomes the creator. First introduced in 2016, this concept allows the viewer to see what they want to see, and emphasizes that the viewer is always right.
The event was graced by renowned jazz musicians Sławomir Bielawiec on piano and Rob Denty on saxophone.
Dr. Lojewski reminded the attendees that the event is free of charge, but encourages support for the School and Educational Center for Blind Children, who are in need of more resources. Visitors were encouraged to visit the Center's website at laski.edu.pl and support the cause if possible.
Everyone was invited to attend the exhibition with their families, friends, and acquaintances, and to spread the word through social media. The event promised to be interesting, as always, and a little different, as always.
"What you see is not what you see, and I want you to see what you want to see."
Charytatywny wernisaż Dr. Błażeja Łojewskiego odbył się 5 lutego 2023 roku w Muzeum Polskim w Ameryce w Chicago. Celem imprezy było zebranie funduszy na rzecz Ośrodka Szkolno-Wychowawczego dla Dzieci Niewidomych w Laskach.
Podczas wernisażu zaprezentowano koncept sztuki psychizmu, gdzie widz staje się twórcą. Występowali również jazzmani Sławomir Bielawiec (fortepian) i Rob Denty (saksofon). Wstęp na imprezę był bezpłatny, jednak organizator zachęcał do wsparcia Ośrodka poprzez zapoznanie się ze stroną internetową: laski.edu.pl.
Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich do udziału w przyszłych wernisażach dr. Błażeja Łojewskiego i wsparcia Ośrodka Szkolno-Wychowawczego dla Dzieci Niewidomych.